
Sunday, May 09, 2010

My mother's day tribute

Mother's Day is the only "official" day to thank all the mother's in our lives for everything they do. On this day, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Susan Chastain, for being the "mother" of my jewelry career. I met Susan in the summer of 2001 at a mutual friend's barbecue. We instantly hit off (we both love animals) and I was completely enthralled with the fact that she was a jewelry artist. As luck would have it, she was teaching a class in Gainesville in a couple of weeks and still had some openings. I took the class and was immediately hooked!

The relationship could have stopped there, but instead Susan took me under wing and made me her apprentice. She taught me everything she knew about jewelry, lapidary work and metalsmithing. Her unselfish sharing of knowledge is something I truly treasure. Outside the first class I took from her, she never asked for a dime for all the other lessons she gave me. She has grown to be a dear friend who continues to encourage me about all my jewelry making. I can't ever possibly thank her enough for all she has done for me. Happy Mother's Day to you Susan!

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