
Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Decorating on a budget

With the spring cleaning does the urge to redecorate enter your mind? I know it does for me.  In addition to purchasing new art for a space, there are some low cost ways, budget friendly ways to freshen up a room. I like to watch the HGTV shows to get ideas for color schemes and the like, which I have found comes in handy when planning resin jewelry colors.  I always like seeing someone else's experimentation with colors and textures and find that it spills over into my home decorating habits. 

I wanted to share the article "Low Budget Decorating, High Style Looks" by Kahi Lee of the Home and Garden Television show, Design on a Dime. She details a few simple tricks "do-it-yourself-ers" can do to give any room in your home a fresh, new look.  She definitely shows that redecorating doesn't have to be expensive.

1 comment:

  1. I love Design on a Dime. They are always full of great out of the box tips.

    Heidi @


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