
Monday, September 06, 2010

10 reasons to visit the Downtown Art Festival in Gainesville, Florida

I was interviewed by a University of Florida journalism student a couple of days ago about the upcoming Downtown Festival and Art Show, November 6 and 7.  She asked me, as an artist, why did I like doing the show.  I gave her my answers, but that got me thinking.  Why would the public want to come visit the show?  Here's my 10 answers why people should visit the Downtown Festival and Art Show.

  1. Get a jump on your holiday shopping! 
  2. You won't find a bigger selection of handmade arts and crafts anywhere around Gainesville
  3. The jazz festival!  The festival includes local jazz musicians who wow the crowd with their skills.
  4. There is plenty of room to walk and enjoy the art.  (I've done some shows on side streets where people had to elbow their way through the crowd.)
  5. Get a chance to mingle with some artists.  Where else do you get the opportunity to ask questions of so many artists in so many different types of media?
  6. It's free to enter!  It's an art museum for the weekend.
  7. Experience a culinary trip of sorts.  Whether you're looking for a lighter fare, or the typical fried and crispy treats, they're there!
  8. The weather is (almost always) perfect.
  9. Enjoy a dinner downtown at one of the many great restaurants in the area after the show closes at 5 PM.
  10. Support your local economy!  Approximately 30 percent of the artists are from Alachua County and another 30 percent are from Florida.  Help your own community.

For anyone interested in seeing me and my resin jewelry for the weekend, I'm at booth 80 (across from Emiliano's).  The show runs 10 AM to 5 PM both days of the festival.

P.S.  If you want an email reminder about the show, join my email list.

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