
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jewelry making class pictures - making a metal brooch

I taught my forged wire brooch class at Gifts of Avalon in Gainesville (Florida) this past Monday night.  Once again, I had a dynamic group of students that was a quick learning bunch!

Students start by filing their pieces of sterling silver or copper wire they selected for their finished piece.  At far left is Chris (a perennial class attendee) and Brenda (center left).  Kathy (or at least half of her) is on the right side of the picture.

Derry was also new to my class.  She's filing her metal wire as well.

In making their brooches, students learned how to use a draw plate.  This is Linda getting ready to use a pair of draw tongs to pull her wire through the draw plate.

Once everyone pulled their wire down to make the brooch stem, it was time to shape and form it.  Brenda used a hammer to give some of the curves of her brooch a flat edge.

Cheryl (another class newbie) used round nose pliers to form the end of her pin to be the pin catch.

And here's the best part -- finished projects!

Brenda's pin, to which she added some beads as she was forming it.

Derry's finished pin.

Cheryl's finished pin.  I couldn't believe how quickly Cheryl adapted to using the draw plate.  She told me she had never done this before.  Quick learner!

Chris' finished pin which she proudly wore.

A closeup of Chris' pin.

Kathy (another new one to my class) was the only one who made her pin out of copper.  My photography doesn't do it justice!  She finished it with a soft, satin sheen and attached an aquamarine bead to dangle from the middle.

Kathy's pin really looked great on her black blouse.

Linda was having some artistic challenges during class, but I hope to help her finish it at another time.  I shared with her that sometimes taking a piece that has bad karma and throwing it in the scrap pile can be very therapeutic.  *smile*

My next class is the first Monday in October.  Hope to see you there!

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