
Friday, December 24, 2010

What I'm grateful for in my jewelry business

In listening to the last podcast of Alyson Stanfield of the Art Biz Blog entitled Uncommonly Grateful, I was inspired to share what I am grateful for within my art business.  On this day of Christmas Eve, as many around the world prepare to celebrate, I too would like to do so by sharing my gratitude with others.

I am grateful for the modern conveniences of electricity and running water.  I have oftentimes thought about jewelry makers from thousands of years ago who had to do many of the things I do by machine, by hand.  I also appreciate that they had to use a pump operated by foot to blow air through a candle's flame to create a "torch" to melt metal and glass, while I am able to use much more modern methods.

I am grateful for the internet and the opportunity it brings for me to sell my jewelry.  I have made connections with people around the world that I know I could not have made otherwise.

I am grateful for the help and encouragement I receive from friends, family, fans and other artists.  Your kind words are a treasure!

I am grateful to my family for being supportive of my art and jewelry.  It means so much to me that you believe in what I do.

I am grateful for the large library of art and jewelry making books I have in my library.  Whenever I'm "stuck" or need some inspiration, I don't have far to look.

I am grateful for the work ethic my parents taught me.  Because of this, I continue to persevere and look for opportunities, rather than waiting for them to look for me.

I am grateful for the equipment in my studio.  I chose to work hard and earn money from jewelry making in order to buy the next piece of "what I want."  I have never borrowed money and found a way to buy it or decided to do without.

I am grateful for the artists who have truly touched my life and taught me skills which I continue to find valuable.

Finally, I am grateful for the browsers, fans, enthusiasts, and blog readers that continue to find enjoyment with my work.  It is because of you that I can keep doing what I'm doing.

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