
Friday, January 14, 2011

Delegating jewelry making tasks

Remember how I talked a couple of weeks ago that one of my "words for the year" was delegate?  I had an opportunity to do that this week.  I gave my assistant a task that directly involved making the jewelry itself.  (Many of the tasks I had given her before had been more office duty and errand type work).  I gave her a sheet of my designs for the scrabble tiles, and asked her to cut them into squares to fit the tiles.  I am happy to say she "did good".  It wasn't perfect, but the important part is that I found out the sky didn't fall either.  Some she cut too close, some the ends weren't a good point, but for the most part they were usable.  This is a huge step for me!  I don't consider myself a control freak, but I'm very particular about making sure the jewelry is "perfect" since it's my name and reputation on them. 

The other exciting part is that she actually wants to do a good job and was very receptive to my feedback.  When I talked to her about some of the problems with the first set, she was eager to improve.  I gave her more designs to cut up yesterday.  She used a different technique, and the results were better.   I'm actually pretty excited this looks like it's going to work out just fine and free up time for me.

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