
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Jewelry making class - corrugated mixed metal earrings

This past Monday night, I taught my first jewelry making class of the year.  I don't know why it had taken me so long to teach again, other than by the time I get it in my mind to get a class, then get it scheduled, it seems a couple of months go by.  Anyway, I had a couple of class regulars, but mostly new people for my mixed metal earrings class.

At left is Kathy, one of the regulars.  She's looking at one of the disc cutters set that we used in class.

Chris is also another one of my regulars.  Sorry Chris, not the best picture I know, but it's the only one I apparently took of you in class.

Dana (far left) and Jodi (left) have bought some of my jewelry before.  I like being able to connect with jewelry customers in a classroom setting as well.

(Don't worry, Dana didn't actually hit her with the mallet.  We do a bit of goofing around.)

In addition to using the metal corrugation tool, we used a disc cutter.  This is one of my favorite tools.  I can't imagine trying to cut circles without it!!

Lindsey was also a newbie to the class.  Quick learner though and she asked good questions.

Kristin, who is friends with Jodi and Lindsey, did good in the class too.  Believe it or not, it's hard for me to create a class that everyone can pick up on in two hours or less.  When I teach, I see how well the students do then tweak future classes.

These are Chris' earrings before she drilled them.  They look like bloodshot eyes after a late night (at least to me anyway).

Jodi is using the center punch to mark her drill holes.  (The metal corrugation tool is just in front of her to her left.)

Kathy went for a "triple threat" of sterling silver, copper, and brass in her earrings.  Pretty cool.

Kristin's finished earrings look like a pro!  (They look great with that purple too.)

A closeup of Lindsey's finished earrings.

Jodi's finished earrings.  Another winner!  I can't believe how great everyone did for being first timers!

Not sure what I was doing, but I didn't get Dana's photographed.  :(

If you want to know about future classes I'm teaching, you can follow this blog, or sign up for my email list (there's a box on the right hand side of this blog) and check the "classes" box to receive email notification when I've got a new class scheduled.

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