
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Random thoughts on resin jewelry making

No, I haven't thought about gnomes, but maybe I should.
A few things have been hopping through my head in the last few days.  I won't share them all with you (thank goodness, right?), but a few of note:

I need to have a few days break in between sanding the resin and pewter jewelry pieces.  It's killing the thumb on my right hand.  Okay, maybe not killing, but I've sanded the end of it off ---- again.

It looks like I'm going to have to upgrade the shopping cart on KMS Designs myself.  I learned how to build websites a few years ago, but as online shopping has gotten more complicated, I thought it might be best to have someone else upgrade the shopping cart.  The local web geek guy that I hired to do it has failed to deliver on everything that I need in a timely fashion.  I've gotten a few suggestions on the software to do it and will be exploring that this week.  For those of you who have been so patiently waiting for the upgrade (and all the new jewelry that comes with it), hang in there a bit longer. 

I need a grown up artist studio.   Either that, or my family needs to quit eating so that I can use the entire kitchen to pour resin.

What's been going on in your week?

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