
Monday, September 12, 2011

Preparing for Thornebrook Art Festival

My next art event is at the Thornebrook Art Festival, September 24 and 25.  I've actually been getting inventory ready for the past month (including Halloween jewelry), so I just need to get my game on and get organized.  I probably wouldn't be thinking about this too much at all, but for all intents and purposes, I'm going to be unavailable the week prior to the event.  Yeah, I know that doesn't sound like a good idea, but an incredible opportunity with my other line of silver jewelry presented itself and I couldn't pass it up.  I'll be out of town selling that jewelry almost the entire week before.

No worries.  I'm getting ready this week and next.  Here's what I have to do:

  1. Since I'm redoing the booth to make it as easy as possible for one person to set up and decorate, I need two new tables and two tablecloths.  I might also go with some organza table covers.  Not sure.  Still thinking about that one.
  2. Since I have my only sale of the year in conjunction with this show, I need to get that jewelry packaged.  It has worked out well to have that jewelry packaged and priced in a basket for people to sift through.  
  3. I will also have wireless access in order to process credit card information at the show this year.  That will be a big time savings and I don't have to worry about declined credit cards later.
  4. Of course, I need to get focused on having enough finished jewelry.  That means that I had to be finished with pouring resin LAST week in order for me to finish it this week.  I'm actually doing the best on this one.
Stay tuned for picture updates.

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