
Friday, December 10, 2010

Donating food for holiday gift baskets

I feel very strongly about supporting charities that help children.  Earlier this fall, I donated a piece of jewelry to the Noche de Gala silent auction to benefit the Sebastian Ferrero Foundation.  The foundation's goal is to build a pediatric hospital in Gainesville.  It was yesterday that I was reminded by an article in the Gainesville Sun about a food drive to send kids home with food baskets during their holiday break.

After dropping off the oldest two at preschool this morning, little peep and I went to Publix to shop.  The article listed items of need and I was excited to see that many of the items on the want list were on sale buy one get one free.  We filled up the cart. 

It ended up being three boxes of food items.  There was a lot of soup, baking mixes, canned vegetables and easy to make boxed and canned dinners.  I hate the idea of kids being hungry.  My children are fortunate enough not to have to worry about where their next meal comes from, so I wanted to help a few other families feel that way for the next few weeks.

What charities do you make a point to help throughout the year?

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