
Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Glam indie craft show

I received an invitation by Kim Taylor to attend the Glam indie craft show.  I met Kim online through pictures I posted on Flickr of my booth the Thornebrook Art Festival.  When she stopped by to introduce herself to me at the Downtown Festival and Art Show, she handed me a personal invitation to the show.  In case Kim looks familiar to you, it is because she has been recently featured in the Gainesville Sun as an Etsy power seller.  You can find her on etsy as the Sassy Crafter.  I grabbed this picture of Kim as she was going around making sure the crafters doing the show were doing okay.

I love attending craft festivals.  I think I was giddy about attending this one because I needed a few more Christmas gifts and I was attending as a buyer, not a seller.  So much more relaxing that way!  You might think I'm crazy, but I bought some jewelry for gifts.  Uh, let me get this straight, you make jewelry, but you bought someone else's to give?  Are you crazy lady??  I bought a couple of piece of things I don't make.  They're both for my mom (don't worry, she doesn't read my blog, so she won't find out.)

I bought a beaded pin from Christie Dickens.  She has an etsy store called Evon's Muse.  It turns out I knew Christie from when I first started taking metalsmithing lessons from Susan Chastain almost 10 years ago.  Serious time warp!

I decided to go with this cute little typewriter key and beaded pin.  I have 3 boys and thought it was a cute way for their grandmother to wear that fact.

I also most Lindsey McLeod at the show.  She does enameling (surprised I'm drawn to color?) and also has an etsy shop.

I was really drawn to the red pendant in the center.  I loved the bold color but wasn't quite sure if it was something my mother would wear.

I also like the winter themed necklaces.  My mother lives where snow happens, so wearing a snowflake actually makes a little sense.

So I decided on the turquoise blue enameled pendant with the delicate white snowflake.  Hope she loves her pieces!

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