
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Efficient ways to read emails and RSS feeds

I have a hard time keeping up with all the email I get and blogs I subscribe to.  Some days are better than others, but it seems like when I have several "behind" days in a row, I never get caught up.  I made a "resolution" a couple of weeks ago to handle all my email daily and use google reader to keep up with the blogs I want to read.  (I've got resolution in quotes because I don't really make resolutions.)  This is hard!  Here's what I have found out so far:

  • If I keep up with it daily (or as close to it as I can), it isn't so overwhelming.  Duh!
  • There are some good, informational links about topics I'm interested in if I just take the time to read.
  • For the blogs I really want to make sure I keep up with, I make sure to sign up for an email subscription if it's got one.
  • Unfortunately, there's a lot of crap to sort through sometimes to get to the good stuff.  I've kept up enough with it now that I'm unsubscribing from blogs and email lists that can't send me good and/or useful information on a consistent basis.  (Hmm...note to self, make sure I send people on my list useful information)
  • I'm considering using a RSS reader service that imports the feeds and presents them like they're articles in a magazine.  Might make them more fun to read??
What else do the rest of you do?  Is there anything else that works for you that maybe I should consider as well?

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