
Monday, June 20, 2011

What do you hate about shopping online?

I briefly mentioned last week about a few studio projects I'm working on.  One of those projects is upgrading KMS Designs.  It will, for the most part, look almost exactly the same.  Where the big changes come in to play is a better shopping cart system.  Which begs the question:

What do you hate about shopping online?

I'm going to add features I think will make the process better, but I don't want to miss anything.  Here's a few of the online shopping mistakes that I want to avoid with my new shopping cart:

  • General glitches and errors.  You shouldn't have to be constantly reloading pages.
  • Requiring as little as information as possible.  With all the computer security breaches nowadays, you have to wonder if your information will ever be safe again.
  • Easily findable information.  You shouldn't have to hunt an peck for what you want to know.
So, what's important to you?  SERIOUSLY, I want to know.  I've been doing this long enough that I'm afraid I'm missing something.  Please leave any and all comments in the box below.  (If you don't want your ideas made public, just drop me an email to

Your feedback is helpful and appreciated!

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