
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Resin jewelry and my new Resin Obsession

Seriously.  I'm not making that up.  My new resin obsession is the business, Resin Obsession.

Hmm.  Like didn't you have enough to do lady?  Why would you want to do this??

I would counter that statement with why wouldn't I want to do this.

I've been making jewelry since 2001 and started making resin jewelry in 2006.  I found that working with resin allowed me to take care of my 'color' obsession with jewelry.  I no longer had to find stones and minerals with colors I liked, I could make my own.  After doing some experimenting, I found a way to make jewelry I liked (and customers liked too). 

Along the way, you meet other resin artists.  Cindy Carter happened to be one of them.  I always enjoyed reading her blog and had bought a few of the Resin Obsession products.  She was incredibly helpful and very easy to work with.

As luck would have it, when she posted that she was looking to sell the business, I was ready to do "something else".  Now mind you, I didn't have my mind made up that this was the perfect opportunity for me, but it was the perfect opportunity to explore.

I'm a big believer in Karma.  (Yes, that's where my cat's name came from)  Cindy sent me information and we started talking.  It was a good talk.  A good, we must have been friends in another life, honest sharing, immediate good feeling talk. Once the business side of me got done analyzing the business and decided it would work, the personal side of me already knew it would.  That was mid October 2011.

We started the transfer of the business in mid November.  The thing I remember the most was when the 30 or so boxes showed up and I immediately thought, "What was I thinking????  Like seriously, where am I going to put all these resin materials????"  (Pause the business for a few days while I tell hubby that we have to move all three boys into one bedroom so I can have the other.)

Trying to reopen a business during my normal busy time (art shows and holiday gifts anyone?) would not have been my first choice, but it's the way it happened.  Since there were only so many hours in the day, the blog got put on hold.  (Now you know why I didn't post for 6 weeks.)

Things are going well and I am touched by how many people have sent well wishes.  Cindy truly built a resin community and I will do everything I can to love and nurture it the way she has. 

(And by the way, you can stop and see the newly reopened Resin Obsession at

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