Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My little indulgence

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Everyone has something they like to indulge themselves on from time to time.  For me, it's wine.  I love the artistry of flavors and textures of the wine.  My love of wine also pairs up with my interest in food and cooking quite nicely.  (Yes, I know it's supposed to work that way.)

I didn't start drinking wine "seriously" until about 10 years ago.  Since then, my tastes have changed, but overall, I enjoy a large majority of the wines out there.
While enjoying the season finale of LOST Sunday night, I opened a bottle of pinot noir from Cottonwood winery in Oregon.  For those of you who aren't wine drinkers, I wouldn't suggest starting with a pinot noir.  It's an acquired taste as they tend to be quite dry.  This one was a good one.  It started out light on my tongue, but as I was thinking to myself that it was lacking in body, it had a nice strong finish.  The more it breathed (open to the air), the more I liked it.  (Tasting notes for you wine enthusiasts:  moderately peppery, slight hint of jam and berry.  I would expect this wine to get better with age.)  Looking forward to enjoying another class tonight.

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